Anyway, it's a new year, a new decade, and I am trying to have a new attitude about things and stuff and life etc. My husband has been bugging me about blogging, because he knows I love both writing and taking photos, so I'm going to give it another shot (no pun intended). Maybe he's right? Maybe I will love it this time? Maybe I am lacking in confidence in my abilities? Anyway, who doesn't have a blog these days? Everyone's grandmother has a blog! I read blogs! I have friends who blog! I comment on blogs! Why shouldn't I jump on the bandwagon? (Blogwagon? Bandbloggon?) Besides, I just saw Julie & Julia, and doesn't that just make a girl want to start a blog so she can be discovered and get a book deal and then they will make a movie about her with THE.ONEANDONLY.MERYL.STREEP. and adorable Amy Adams will play her, all cute and perky with her red hair and her cuteness? (Now I may have overconfidence in my space in the Blogosphere.)
So. Here we are. 2010. I will be back soon (I promise!) with a roundup of my favorite photos from 2009, and then we'll go from there, shall we? (And by we, I mean me, and my one reader aka my husband.) (Hi, honey!) What have I got to lose?
Hi, honey!
Make that 2 readers!
Now you're at 3! From your greatest fan....
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