A Year and a Half Later...

So, here I am, a bit of a bloggy failure. I gave up on it awful quickly, didn't I? Maybe it was being busy with other things, maybe it was lack of confidence in my photographic abilities, maybe it was pure laziness. Probably all of that. Mostly, I know there are much better photographers out there, I mean, have you been on Flickr lately? Sweet mother of pearl there are a lot of good photographers out there. (Wherever there is. The Interwebs, I suppose. The Blogosphere.) Normal people just like me, with a good camera and a good eye, and they're so, well, good! (The English major inside me is screaming, "What is this crap writing with the weak adjectives? Use your internal thesaurus, Shakespeare." To her I say, "It's a BLOG. You don't have to be a good (hehe) writer in a BLOG.")

Anyway, it's a new year, a new decade, and I am trying to have a new attitude about things and stuff and life etc. My husband has been bugging me about blogging, because he knows I love both writing and taking photos, so I'm going to give it another shot (no pun intended). Maybe he's right? Maybe I will love it this time? Maybe I am lacking in confidence in my abilities? Anyway, who doesn't have a blog these days? Everyone's grandmother has a blog! I read blogs! I have friends who blog! I comment on blogs! Why shouldn't I jump on the bandwagon? (Blogwagon? Bandbloggon?) Besides, I just saw Julie & Julia, and doesn't that just make a girl want to start a blog so she can be discovered and get a book deal and then they will make a movie about her with THE.ONEANDONLY.MERYL.STREEP. and adorable Amy Adams will play her, all cute and perky with her red hair and her cuteness? (Now I may have overconfidence in my space in the Blogosphere.)

So. Here we are. 2010. I will be back soon (I promise!) with a roundup of my favorite photos from 2009, and then we'll go from there, shall we? (And by we, I mean me, and my one reader aka my husband.) (Hi, honey!) What have I got to lose?


The Oriole Way said...

Hi, honey!

Mrs D said...

Make that 2 readers!

Bicoastal Bookworm said...

Now you're at 3! From your greatest fan....